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Kitchen Safety Tips

Did you know?
One-fifth of all home fires in the United States start in the kitchen? The reason is due to the constant potential
for fire there. For instance, if you cook two meals a day, each day of the year, that’s actually 730 fires!
Controlled, we hope, but none-the-less, potential fire hazards! Let’s help you make sure that the fire department
doesn’t become surprise dinner guests!

Never use water!
The most frequent kitchen fire involves oil or grease that ignites during meal preparation. Care should be taken
to prevent grease build-up in the stove or range hood. Water should never be used on such fires, as it will cause
the burning liquid to spatter, spreading the fire. Have a lid for every pan or skillet that is in use. Put out fires by
using the lids to shut off the oxygen to the fire. Trying to carry a burning pan outdoors or to the sink often
results in spilling the liquid, which causes burn injuries and also permits fires to spread. Remember, put a lid on

Do not wear loose clothing!
While cooking, don’t wear loose clothing, and be very careful not to reach across a burner at any time.
Garments with long, draping sleeves or light-weight sheer materials can catch fire by simply brushing against a
hot burner.

Be careful removing any pans from the stove!
Always use a hot pad. In households with small children, handles of pots and pans should be turned in so a child
cannot reach them and receive a serious scald burn.

Keep the stove clear!
Whether cooking with gas or electric, never place anything on the stove you don’t want to heat. An electric coil
reaches 800 degrees while a gas flame goes over 1000 degrees. Remember dish towels & pot holders ignite at
400 degrees.

Supervise the very young and elderly. Teach the children not to play around the stove, and never leave a stove
that is unattended! Also, keep a fully charged, approved fire extinguisher handy in the kitchen, and know how to
use it!

Kitchen Fire Safety Overview
? Never cook on high when using oils
? Do not wear loose clothing while cooking
? Keep all handles in while cooking
? No playing in the kitchen
? Keep stove top clear of all flammable items
? Always cover pan fire with lid; never use water
? Keep fire extinguisher close by while cooking
? Never carry a burning pan to sink or outside
? Put a lid on fires!

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