Long Insurance Services of Kernersville, NC

  Contact : 336-992-5664

Business Insurance – Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point & Kernersville

If you are in business in Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point, Kernersville or, really, anywhere else in NC, SC or VA you have reason to protect yourself from being sued or having property loss.  You have invested time and resources into developing and growing an enterprise to provide an income and a future for your family and one unfortunate and unexpected event could take it all away.  For your business consider contingency planning and include insurance coverage in that master plan. Business insurance is a way to transfer risk away from you and to another responsible party.

Consider some of these examples:

Garage Claims Example

Insured was working on customer’s vehicle while it was on a hoist and the vehicle caught fire in the insured’s garage. The customer’s car was a total loss and insured’s carrier paid $40,000.

Insured was working on customer’s vehicle that was left in neutral. The vehicle rolled out of the garage into the parking lot and into incoming traffic. It hit a pickup truck and a man on a motorcycle. The claim had Damage to customers vehicle $20,000, damage to the pickup truck $8,000, Motorcycle Damage $5,000 and Bodily Injury damage to the driver of the Motorcycle $30,000.

Customers Vehicles were parked beside the garage on the insured’s property within a secured area. The vehicles were all vandalized. Equipment was stolen out of the vehicles resulting $12,000 Property Damage.

Small Business Claims

A women slipped on a raised portion of sidewalk at insured’s premises, fell down and broke one of her legs also incurring a spinal injury – This claim for bodily injury was $50,000.

A woman fell in parking lot when she tripped over a wheel stop. She broke her arm and caused damage to her rotator cuff resulting in a $60,000 claim.

Man tripped over a rug in an office, fell and broke his leg resulting in a $15,000 bodily injury pay out.


Former employee of contractor came by to visit job site of contractor fell off roof. The bodily injury resulted in a $50,000 claim.




Insured owned Hotel – The insured kept a dog in the hotel lobby. The dog bit a small child in the face. A $50,000 bodily injury claim resulted.

Hotel caught fire from a heater causing damage to 7 rooms resulting in a property damage claim of $250,000.


Person walking up ramp at restaurant which was not well lit or marked, the claimant fell causing bodily injury. The carrier paid $50,000.

Workers Compensation

Condominium housekeeper was walking up the stairs and slipped. She sustained a back injury. The workers compensation claim incurred was $90,000.

A worker cut finger on the job and was treated and released from the emergency room with a few stitches. The worker later got a staph infection and had to be hospitalized. The bodily injury on this minor accident ultimately resulted in a workers’ compensation claim of $50,000.

Leased Space

Insured had a tenant that placed a lit cigarette in a trash can. The entire building burned which resulted in a fire damage claim of $400,000.

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